Legal Notice

Website edition

The website (hereafter “the Site”), accessible at the address is edited by HELITECH SOLUTIONS – MAINTENANCE CENTER  (hereafter “the Editor”).
980213516 / VAT : FR06980213516
Impasse de l’Aéropostale
05130 Tallard (FRANCE)

Website contributors

Editor-in-Chief : Benoit Faure
Data Processing Officer : Benoit Faure
Webdesigner & webmaster : Charlène Zybala
Photo Credits : HELITECH SOLUTIONS, Canva

Website host

The Site site is hosted by OVH :
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
01 77 62 30 03
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Intellectual property

The presentation and content of this website constitute a work protected by French legislation and international conventions on intellectual property. HELITECH SOLUTIONS – MAINTENANCE CENTER holds all intellectual property rights relating to the design of the site and its content.
Any reproduction, representation, adaptation or partial or complete modification, or transfer to another site is prohibited.
Copies or reproductions on any support of the information and documents contained in this site can only be made for consultation purposes. Any reproduction and any use of a copy made for other purposes, particularly commercial, is expressly prohibited.
Violation of the rights reserved to HELITECH SOLUTIONS – MAINTENANCE CENTER constitutes an act of counterfeiting, which is punishable in France by article L335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code and international conventions on intellectual property.


Sites outside of HELITECH SOLUTIONS – MAINTENANCE CENTER. that have a hyperlink with this Website are not under the control of HELITECH SOLUTIONS – MAINTENANCE CENTER, which therefore declines any responsibility for their content. The user is solely responsible for their use.